Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease caused by insulin resistance or insulin deficiency. The result is a pathological disorder of the sugar metabolism with a permanent increase in the blood sugar level. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. Body cells become increasingly insensitive to insulin and insulin resistance increases.
A therapy with lifestyle changes and medication can have a positive effect on the course of the disease. Various risk factors are involved in the development of the disease: genetic predisposition, overweight, lack of exercise, metabolic syndrome.
Diabetes should be diagnosed and treated as early as possible in order to avoid serious complications.
Over time, this results in damage to the blood vessels and various organs from head to toe: dementia, depression, stroke, blindness, periodontosis, coronary artery constriction with heart attack, fatty liver, renal insufficiency, erectile dysfunction, bone disease, nerve disease, arterial occlusive disease with impending leg amputations, diabetic foot syndrome with chronic ulcerations, etc..
Before the blood sugar level rises measurably, there is a phase several years before in which the precursor of insulin, namely intact proinsulin, increases in concentration in the blood.