We have developed a new therapy that has been proven to be helpful for patients with arteriosclerosis. This therapy will be available to patients in the near future. The newly developed drug is a special enzyme mixture that will be highly effective in our BelACT therapy.
* Paracelsus 1493-1541 – (Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim)
The BelACT therapy is used for the treatment of arteriosclerosis, a disease that becomes more and more evident with the age. Arteriosclerosis describes a change in the blood vessels that is responsible for a large number of cardiovascular diseases and is therefore one of the main causes of premature death.
Arteriosclerosis is characterized by an increasing stiffness of the entire vascular wall and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the inner walls of the arteries.
One of the causes is lipid and calcium accumulation, increasing inflammation and loss of connective tissue elasticity is upcoming. This can lead to permanently increased blood pressure and, with increasing plaque formation, to a narrowing of the arterial flow path.
We have completely defined the manufacturing process of the active pharmaceutical ingredient and the transfer into industrial production is ready as standard operation procedures.
For the approval procedure of the substance, the animal tests have meanwhile been successfully carried out and documented in the USA. The substance has proven to be stable and is available in various batches (GMP) for further tasks.
The coordination with the ethics committee has been initiated, and the measures for toxicological testing and dose determination have been prepared. Execution of the clinical studies will take place in Germany, the necessary preparations for the execution of the studies from phase I to III are in place.